TRİBOCHEMİ KİMYA we have the knowledge of having more than 20 years of experience and sharing the experience with our esteemed customers.
TRIBOLOGY (Lubrication Science and Tecnology) sector, which is a field of expertise that has existed since the day it was founded, is always at the center of our thoughts and actions in the sector of our valuable customers. For this reason, TRIBOCHEMIST, which started with Tribology and ended with the intersection of our roads with Chemistry, emerged.
There are thousands of cheap lubricants on the market, but most of them do not work on the customers' machines. There are also valuable brands with high quality and high performance. These are more expensive, but they fill a significant gap in the market. We, as TRIBOCHEMIST, are responsible for filling these important gaps.
Our company policy is to protect the environment and to use resources as responsible. Thus, our products must meet the highest quality standards and ensure the highest environmental, economic and material demands.
The life of the machines and their complex systems and their trouble-free operation are the dominant factors for our customers' production facilities. And especially high performance lubricants play an important role in this.
Active contribution to the protection of the environment comes at the forefront of our organizational principles.
Sustainable development is not only a logic rule, but it is also our responsibility for the future. The Company is not only an ideal for us, but also a resource for the preservation of resources, for all our active, voluntary and systematic involvement in the environment in our policy. This is a win for us and for our customers.
As management, we and our staff say, "The investments we make are for a sustainable future." we are proud to say.